Romper Room Preschool

Summer Tech Camp (Ages 6 to 14)

Our Tech Camp program is designed to promote fun, innovation, and excitement! Built around the STEM concept, students get to develop problem solving skills, build confidence, and make new friends while learning concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Why else to take courses involving STEM? Computer programming is a vital skill for today's youth. Statistics show that jobs in STEM are growing twice the national average. Parents who are familiar with STEM courses say this is the approach to creating the next generation of innovators and will have well-paying and fulfilling careers.

Our curriculum will spark interest for both boys and girls! Surveys have indicated that 61% of males develop interest as a result of toys or games. 68% of females develop interest as a result of teacher guidance or taking a class. Contact us today to learn more about our camp courses and pave the way for your child to innovate in ways that will impact the world in a positive way!

Tech Camp Courses
Robotics - LEGO Mindstorms
Tech Immersion - Mix of 3D Printing, Drones, & Arduino

Course Availability (July & August)
4 Weekend Sessions - 3 Hours per Session - 12 Hours Total per Course

Saturdays 9AM - 12PM
Saturdays 1PM - 4PM
Sundays 9AM - 12PM
Sundays 1PM - 4PM


 kids coding
Students Learning To Solve Problems Together

 robotics groups
Working together to program this cool robot

 complimentary drone lessons
Complimentary drone flying lesson for Students

 coding for kids
Interactive Group Collaborating on Assignments